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Mia Garlock

Squad Day 98: Double Core, Double the Fun

I made the mistake of staying up well past 11:00pm last night, and I’m feeling it. I’m not totally exhausted, but if I don’t get my butt in bed before 10:00pm tonight I’m going to be a mess tomorrow. I may require a nap later in the afternoon, I’m not sure how the day is going to play out.

My kids are getting super antsy for our Winter Solstice celebration, and for x-mas just a few days later. They may run me down today, one can never be super sure. Emotions are running high with them the last few days, bickering and fighting and changing of wish list plans last minute are a daily situation. I’m glad I stocked up on tea, so I can at least try and keep up.

With Core Reset as my warm up, I have another shorter workout scheduled today, 15 minutes of Blade core work. If I remember correctly though, this isn’t entire a core focus, meaning- the moves we do today will involve other areas of the body as well, but we’re to focus on core engagement for stability and movement. I think. I’m pretty sure that’s what today is, anyway. I guess I’ll find out once I push play.


I got my core reset done and felt fantastic about it, I’ve already noticed improvement just since last week. Then I moved on into today’s core focused workout, and I was so surprised at how well I did! Last month, when I first did this workout, I remember feeling so discouraged, because there were 2-3 moves that I couldn’t do without modification or intense struggle. But dudes, today I did everything and I only had to modify one move! ONE! I did the single sided dead hyberns without wanting to yell or give up, and my coordination with it was so freaking smooth! I did the Plank spinal rolls and I felt like I was a wave on the beach. The Down dog pikes with the toe touches, I did drop the knee, because it just felt like a lot for me to stay up on my toes, but I did them without stopping. And the weird little half side plank hip saw thingies, I kept my ass down the whole time and actually felt real, solid engagement down my obliques and into my glutes. I didn’t get that at all last time. I remember being so confused about that move because where the hell am I supposed to be feeling this? I’m so proud of myself! This is a week of big wins for me, and I’m noticing every single one of them.

My core was on fire when I finished up, literally wrapped entirely around my middle, like a corset of muscle ache, I felt all of it. I’ve never gotten a full core engagement all the way around from a workout before, and today I did. That progress! My eyes are a bit watery, I’m getting so strong!

Speaking of wins, yesterday I wore pants I haven’t fit into in a year. Today, I’m wearing athletic shorts that were uncomfortably tight a month and a half ago. I can’t believe it. A couple weeks ago I was fighting down the voice in my head telling me that I’d made zero progress and I was going to be weak and clumsy and chubby forever. This program has never been about losing weight for me, that was always a side effect of becoming active, the goal being strength. But Gods, it is just so freaking validating to be able to see it, feel it, and admit it to myself: my hard work is paying off in spades.

I keep visualizing my best friend and I having sword fights in the woods this summer, on the bluffs by the beach, holding pads for each other and boxing it out. I see us hiking that mountain in April, surrounded by Valkyries and covered in sweat and triumph because we reached the top. I see us at retreats, I see her on a horse shooting arrows with perfect accuracy across the pitch. I see myself sweating and training along side these badasses, I see myself hugging Sam so hard you’d think someone died. And really, someone did. Old me, 6 months ago me, a year ago, me. She died.

And I’m so grateful for everything that brought me to this point, for all the trials and struggles and sacrifices that brought me down so damn low, that I was forced to realize how badly I needed to save myself. And that I could. That I could be the heroine in my story. The Warrior Queen. I had lost that dream so long ago, and it’s been brought back to life to show me who I am. I am grateful. I am grateful.

I did my first official homework assignment for Sam yesterday, and I’ve officially completed all my reading work and lectures for this week for my CPT program. I’m feeling really good about learning these things and studying, I’ve been diligent about my notes and have begun setting up flash cards for myself too so I can be sure I don’t forget anything. It’s funny how those old habits from school can come back and help you out later. I guess it’s funny to me, because I didn’t go to college right after school, I graduated when I was 15, and as a music major in school, I had no intention of going to college for it or pursuing a teaching career in it. I pretty much dove right into work and exploring, traveling when I could, until I got married and we started a family. Ever an entrepreneur, I found ways to keep myself busy, but without a full commitment to any trade or skill set. So now, at 34, I find myself pretty eager to dive into studying and nerding out on this program. I’ve worked in health care and have done marathon training, earned my fair share of workout injuries, and also just in general been interested in health and wellness for a good decade and a half at this point. So all of these things I’m learning are fully in my wheelhouse. It feels good to feel capable, knowledgeable. To have all these things I wanted for myself and my family so suddenly and certainly within reach.

It is pouring outside, and blowing in sideways. A whopping 28 degrees outside. I don’t think we will get our walk in today, between my broken coat zipper and Yrsa’s vehement disdain for the soggy weather. Also pneumonia sucks, and I don’t want it, so we’re going to hide inside. Maybe the kids and I will have a mid week dance party to help us get some of this holiday rambunctiousness burnt out so they can stop climbing the walls and driving each other insane. I mean none of that will help Yrsa, but maybe it will help the kids and I.

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