Ready for War
I had plans today. I had important plans to wake up early and workout before the rest of the house got up, to get my body moving and sweating for the first time in a week. Did that happen? No. Why? Because my husband is a butthead, and was up all night gaming, and his loud ass voice woke up me up multiple times, until 2am, when I dragged his furry face away from the computer and to bed before I beat him for being an idiot and staying up so late in the first place. Let alone disturbing my sleep and ruining my plans for the day.
I needed to workout this morning. I needed that reset, after spending the last two days cooking everything and then spending all day surrounded by people. The day itself wasn’t bad, or nearly as stressful as it has been in the past, but my social meter is maxed out and I needed the outlet, needed it like I need air to breathe. I’m so annoyed and frustrated and mad that some stupid video game is the reason I lost sleep last night and the reason my plans were taken from me. The beard is still in bed and all I want to do is take my plastic sword to him and beat him while he’s still laying in there, show him my Valkyrie Rage and not to mess with my routine again.
My husband goes back to work tomorrow, but the rest of the week his aunt will be here, which means my dedicated workout space has a very limited timeframe of use, and it is only available while everyone else is asleep. If I work out in the living room with everyone else awake, I’m taking up too much space and I’m in the way and inconveniencing everyone in the house. Not to mention, I will have a literal audience, which is both uncomfortable and obnoxious. I have to have the energy to wake up early in the morning and workout, and when it’s my kids interrupting my sleep it’s one thing, but when it’s my grown ass husband…. it’s war.
I may or may not be thinking about how I can interrupt his gaming experience tonight so that he is as irritated as I am about his plans being unraveled. He shouldn’t stay up too late tonight anyway because he has to work tomorrow, but I know he wont think about that and will stay up too late anyway. Maybe I’ll schedule a shut down for midnight, where his computer will auto restart at midnight and shut everything down for updates. I think that sounds fair.
The final blizzard of 2022 is over with now, and we’re on the other side of the storm. We got at least 20 inches of windblown snow and a solid sheet of ice underneath it on the roads. Yrsa is in love with the outside and demands frolic time for at least 30 minutes every 2 hours. She loves the snow and loves tackling us into the fluffy stuff, and we love throwing snowballs at her. If I do anything today it will be walking with her. My coat is fixed and the wind has stopped howling, so we can manage it for at least a few laps today, maybe a few snowballs too.
I’m going to spend the day studying the next chapters for my CPT courses and prepping for the next quiz. Let the husbeard handle the dirty diapers, snack demands, and wardrobe changes for the day, I’m busy working on myself and my career.